#381 Virgil Zeigler-Hill: Self-Esteem, Narcissism, and Romantic Love Styles
Dr. Virgil Zeigler-Hill is Professor of Psychology and Director of Graduate Training at Oakland University. He is a social-personality psychologist with primary research interests in four interrelated areas: (1) self-esteem, (2) narcissism, (3) cognitive representations of the self, and (4) interpersonal relationships. His research concerning self-esteem has largely focused on the potential causes and consequences of fragile high self-esteem. More recently, his research in this area has led to the development of the status-signaling model of self-esteem. His research concerning narcissism has examined the feelings of self-worth possessed by individuals with narcissistic personality features. His work in the area of cognitive representations of the self has examined the association between features of the self-concept (i.e., content and structure) and psychological adjustment. Finally, in the area of interpersonal relationships, he examines how beliefs about the self and one’s partner influence intimacy, relationship satisfaction, and longevity in close relationships.
In this episode, we talk about the self, self-esteem – including the status-signaling model of self-esteem -, romantic love styles, narcissism, psychological adjustment, and the relationship between narcissism and self-esteem and psychopatology.
Time Links:
The self, and the self-concept
Self-esteem and romantic desirability
Romantic love styles
Narcissism, and narcissistic personality disorder, and the close relationships narcissists establish
The self and romantic relationships
Psychological adjustment, and who suffer the most from the covid-19 pandemic
Self-esteem and psychopathology
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Faculty page: https://bit.ly/32NWTSq
Website: https://bit.ly/3jxe9lr
Works on ResearchGate: https://bit.ly/3jwpdPU
Books on Amazon: https://amzn.to/32FrZLH