#353 Guy Madison: The Psychology of Music
Dr. Guy Madison is Professor at the Department of Psychology at University of Umeå, Sweden. Dr. Madison does research in Neuroscience, Genetics and Evolutionary Biology. More»
Dr. Guy Madison is Professor at the Department of Psychology at University of Umeå, Sweden. Dr. Madison does research in Neuroscience, Genetics and Evolutionary Biology. More»
Dr. Marco Del Giudice is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of New Mexico. In his work he explores a wide range of topics at the intersection of human behavior, evolution, and development. His approach is interdisciplinary and driven by the quest for theoretical synthesis. Over the years he has developed some broad, integrative models: the Adaptive Calibration Model of individual differences in stress responsivity (with Bruce Ellis and Birdie Shirtcliff); an evolutionary-developmental model of sex differences in attachment styles; and a unifying life history framework for evolutionary psychopathology. Most of his current empirical work is devoted to testing, advancing, and refining these models with a variety of research methods. He’s the author of Evolutionary Psychopathology: A Unified Approach. More»
Dr. H. Clark Barrett is Professor in the Department of Anthropology, and the Director of the Center for Behavior, Evolution and Culture at UCLA. He is a biological anthropologist specializing in evolutionary psychology, the study of the mind’s evolved mechanisms and processes. In his work he uses methods from anthropology and psychology to examine universals and variation in how thinking develops across cultures. He conducts field research among the Shuar, an indigenous culture in southeast Ecuador, as well as in Los Angeles. His research has focused on learning and conceptual development in several domains, including “theory of mind,” or the ability to make inferences about others’ thoughts and intentions, and learning about danger. He has also collaborated with a variety of anthropologists, psychologists, and other social scientists on a variety of topics ranging from infant-directed speech to the evolution of morality, and supervise graduate projects on the evolution of cognition. He’s the author of the book The Shape of Thought: How Mental Adaptations Evolve. More»
Julian De Freitas is a cognitive scientist in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University. He studies social intelligence, with a focus on the self, strategic thinking, and ethics. More»
Dr. Jean-François Bonnefon (PhD, cognitive psychology) is a Research Director at the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, affiliated to the Toulouse School of Economics, the Toulouse School of Management, and the Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse. He holds the Moral AI chair at the Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute, and is the president of the European Commission expert group on the ethics of driverless mobility. He conducts research on decisions which have a moral component, especially in the context of machine ethics and human-AI cooperation. His research appeared in 100+ academic articles, in outlets that include Science, Nature, and PNAS. More»
Dr. Robyn Bluhm is an Associate Professor with a joint appointment in the Department of Philosophy and Lyman Briggs College at Michigan State University. Her research examines philosophical issues in neuroscience and in medicine, with a particular focus on the relationship between ethical and epistemological questions in these areas. She has written extensively on the philosophy of evidence-based practice and on the use of functional neuroimaging in psychiatry. She is a co-editor of Neurofeminism: Issues at the Intersection of Feminist Theory and Cognitive Science. More»
Dr. Laura Crucianelli currently works as a postdoctoral researcher in Henrik Erhsson’s lab at the Karolinska Institute, in Stockholm. Dr. Crucianelli completed her PhD at the Department of Psychology, University of Hertfordshire, and in collaboration with University College London under the supervision of Dr. Paul Jenkinson and Dr. Katerina Fotopoulou. Her PhD project investigated affective touch, sense of body ownership and interoceptive awareness in both healthy and clinical populations. More»
Dr. Peter Jonason is Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Padova, Italy. By training he is a social/personality psychologist who uses evolutionary theory to derive predictions and account for observable phenomena in (mostly) personality, individual differences, mating strategies, and sexuality. More»
Dr. Colin Holbrook is Assistant Professor of Cognitive and Information Sciences at the University of California Merced. He researches decision-making under contexts of threat, with particular focus on political orientation, group prejudice, and the representation of mental states. More»
Dr. Joseph Henrich is Professor and chair of The Department of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. He is interested in the question of how humans evolved from "being a relatively unremarkable primate a few million years ago to the most successful species on the globe", and how culture affected our genetic development. He is also the author of The Secret of Our Success and The WEIRDest People in World. More»